Friday, September 2, 2016

MA106-Computer and Internet Application in Research

Grading System:
      Computer Laboratory Output           - 40%
      Examinations (Prelim and Final)      - 30%
      Research Based Requirements       - 30%
                                  Total                    = 100%

Transmutation of Grades:
    100 - 98.64 ---------------------1.0
    98.63 - 97.27 -------------------1.1
    97.26 - 95.90 -------------------1.2
    95.89 - 94.53 -------------------1.3
    94.52 - 93.16 -------------------1.4
    93.15 - 91.79 -------------------1.5
    91.78 - 90.42 -------------------1.6
    90.41 - 89.05 -------------------1.7
    89.04 - 87.68 -------------------1.8
    87.66 - 86.30 -------------------1.9
    86.29 - 85.00 -------------------2.0

This course introduces the principles and concepts of computer system and its internet research applications.
Topics include this course are:
vComputer Fundamentals,
vComponents of Computer,
vComputer Software,
vNetworks and the Internet,
vThe Internet and The World Wide Web,
vOperating System,
vComputer Software Productivity Tools.
vDatabase Management System and
vBasic Webpage Designing are also included.
Interactive learning style is employed in this course. Students are exposed to direct hands-on activities.

Course Content
Midterm Coverage
Module 1: Introduction to Computers : Download Here
 - Microsoft Word Window : Download Here
 - Microsoft Excel Window : Download Here
 - Mircosoft Powerpoint Window : Download Here
Module 2: Data Processing : Download Here
Final Coverage
Module 3: System Unit Component : Download Here
                 Virtual Computer - PC Assemble and Dis-assemble 
Module 4: Internet : Download Here